Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Sometimes it takes awhile for a person's true colors to come through..
or maybe it just takes time to actually see the true colors.

I was shocked and insulted today by someone I truly care about. I don't know how to react, so for now, I'm not reacting.


My aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer last week. The prognosis is good though. They caught it early and she should be fine.

On the other hand, my brother's mother-in-law is very sick. She's in the ICU now with a blood infection and her organs are failing. I'm not very close with her, but she is a very sweet lady, and Danielle (my sister in law) is very shaken up. I feel horrible for them and offered to help with anything..I guess that's all I can do.

So hopefully God hears our prayers for both of these women and leads them to recovery.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I'm feeling it again.
That sense of purpose..
The one that says I can do anything.
The one that brings out my creativity and motivation.
The one that ignores fear and knocks down walls.

No one can stop me.
Not even the women who drive me crazy.
I'm doing this.
Don't try to hold me back,
but please come along for the ride.


I'm changing my website for my hypnosis and putting out ads. I'm going to see where it takes me.

I'm also ironing out some details on a couple of photography books I want to work on and get published.


I spoke with a friend of mine today too. Someone very special to me, and someone I also rarely get to talk to anymore. I was so excited to talk to her! She's one of this world's most special people..and I'm blessed to call her my friend. Love you!

Monday, September 20, 2010

I've decided to take a chance with things. I'm going to start advertising for my hypnosis and Reiki practice and see where it takes me. I've wanted to do this for so long, but I always held myself back...

I suppose I was afraid of failing.
I still am, but fear isn't a reason to hold yourself back.
I know I'm good at what I do...I was asked to speak at a convention..I'd say that would mean I have a pretty good reputation as a hypnotist.

I'm also trying to distance my heart for awhile.
I already see the signs pointing toward a broken heart if I keep letting my heart go.
I'm not letting that happen this time.
If she wants me, she needs to prove it before I put my heart into it.

My heart has taken a serious beating in my life and I always offer it up for the next girl to start abusing it. Maybe it's time to protect my heart for a little while. I don't want to feel used anymore.

It's time I focus on me.
Not forever..
but for now.
It's time for me to take some long strides toward some goals.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Stress does not begin to describe it.
I cried today for the first time in a long time.
It was too much.
I need a new job.
I need to move.
I need to change.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Can I please begin a relationship with someone who will put as much effort into the relationship as I will?

I'm tired of being the only one who tries in relationships.
I deserve a woman who will show that she appreciates me.
A woman who will do nice things simply because she cares about me.
A woman who will hold me close to her.
A woman who will be honest and loyal.
A woman who brings out the best in me.
A woman who will simply love me...

Because I will do all those things for her.

Opening doors

Last night was a breath of fresh air.
I've been feeling closed in...forgotten.
But spending the evening with Jaz opened the doors for me again.
We had wine..good wine..and talked about life, love, heartbreak, sex, name it, we talked about it.

It was like being with a lifelong friend.
With the exception of Kelly, Ingrid and Nichelle, I have never been that comfortable with someone.
When we were out, people probably thought we were a couple because of how close we were..
but who cares?

Her free spirit was intoxicating me.
It made me want to live...really live.
Her hugs are amazing! She doesn't just feel her emotions when she hugs..I love her for that.

She was fascinated with my chivalry, especially with it not being a date.
But that's me.
I respect women far too much to just let chivalry die.
Maybe I am a rare kind of guy...

But whatever..I'm happy today. Thanks to her for making me feel special again.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


She no longer shows her interest.
Not the way she used to anyway.
Others want me..but I've been loyal...

We're not together..
I take her out..
I buy her things..
I show her I care...
I get nothing.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Another Jasmine

This is Jasmine
another Jasmine
another free spirit
she captured me

The shoot was great, but I think I found another lifelong friend.
Her energy was almost tangible.
I look forward to the future rendezvous.

My patience is growing thin

Patience I have..
but I feel like I've waited long enough.
I still have to treat her as if we're dating.
But without the title
without the kisses
without anything that comes with a relationship.

Now I have others who are interested in me.
I want to wait.
but I don't want to wait.
How am I supposed to choose?